Herbal Support During Fire Season

This is a harsh reality living on the West Coast. I see the ash dusted over everything and the smoke filling the air here in the bay. I am putting forth a prayer for healing waters to fall from the sky. To put these reckless fires out all over the state. To cleanse the air, the ground, the plants and animals. To hydrate our state, our rivers, our lakes and streams. We are dry up in here. We are hot, angry, agitated and fiery. We need these cooling rains to bless this land. We are ready.

To my fellow communities, here are some herbal tips and plant allies to keep those lungs and nervous systems supported during these times...

First and foremost..

Children and infants
People with already preexisting heart and lung complications.
with this, anyone breathing in smoke, and around these fires will be affected. Even if people are not in the current areas where these fires are, the smoke and tiny particles WILL travel. To check up to date information on the air quality in your city, click here


+Licorice root / Marshmallow root or leaf / Calendula: these herbs have demulcent and anti-inflammatory actions that can help protect those mucous membranes in our lungs as well as in our sinuses and throat.

+Mullein: lung tonic best taken over time. Demulcent and protective to the respiratory system. Affects of fires can show up 3-6 months after the fire has been put out. Just because one is feeling fine now, doesn't mean it won't show up later.

+Avena (milky oats): nutrient dense and tonic for the nervous system. If there is consistent stress, sleep issues or fatigue due to stress, this can be beneficial.

+Chamomile, Vervain, Motherwort: relaxing nervines that can help relax the nervous system, combat stress in times of chaos.

+Thyme: antispasmodic, antimicrobial, expectorant, and high in volatile oils. If there is an infection potentially happening, this is an herb that can be found at any grocery store. It has soothing properties, and the oils can help lower inflammation in the lungs.

+Echinacea: Acute immune stimulant. With the body being in fight or flight mode for a substantial amount of time, the immune system can be weakened.

+Reishi and Maiitake: Deep immune support that is recommended taken over a long period of time. It is best not used when there is acute sickness in the body.

+Cleavers / Calendula: Cleavers is a moistening lymphatic. It can help release blockages in the lymph nodes all over the body, but especially in the throat. It is common, in smoke filled areas, for the lymph nodes to swell and feel sore.

+Adding bitter greens, chlorophyl, burdock root, and antioxidants like Rosemary to the diet can also help with a gentle detox from the environment at hand.

+Drink drink drink that water and when you think you're good, drink some more.

+If you have an essential oil diffuser, oils like thyme, oregano, pine, douglas fir and rosemary can help clear the space and the lungs.

+Facial steams of chamomile, mullein, thyme, rosemary and sage. Make a hot decoction of one or some of these herbs, put the bowl/pot onto the table, cover your head with a towel, and breathe in the steam. Make sure they are no openings so all of the vapor stays trapped. This is an effective way to moisten and soothe the lungs.

+Where a mask when outside. N95 Standard Industrial Respirator can be found at Walgreens, CVS, Home Depot, etc.

+Stay indoors as much as you can, including pets

+Decrease outside activities. Avoid working out, walking, or hanging out outdoors.

+Have a emergency bag ready to go. click here for a quick reference list

*This is for informational purposes ONLY. We are not here to treat or diagnose. Please consult with a health professional before