Find Stability Through Flu Season

With the romantic colors of autumn, and the coolness she brings, cold and flu season starts to tip toe around this time of year. The flu is just waiting to bust down the doors and attack the body's cells. We must find stability and strength within our bodies.Autumn is a time of slowing down, settling into the darkness. This is the time of year where we go inward, create a ritual around self care practices, and we take time to build our bodies up for the winter. What things can we do to keep our immune strength, and our bodies strong, nourished and warm? Here are a tips to keep in your back pocket!

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)
(immunostiumlant, anti-inflammatory, alterative, antimicrobial)
Echinacea is a staple to have on hand through cold and flu season! This herb can help the body deal with infections and stimulates the immune response within the body. It can assist in riding viruses and bacteria out both internally and externally. Indications - strep throat, common cold, infection in the upper respiratory tract

Olive Leaf (Olea europaea)
(antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant)
Olive leaf hinders many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This can prevent or shorten the duration of an infection. This plant is a powerful anti-viral and can be an alternative to Elderberry. As of late, it is harder and harder to order Elderberry because everyone loves it so much! If you can’t get your hands on elder, look at olive leaf! Indications - pneumonia, influenza, common cold, ear infections, sore throat.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
(adaptogen, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant..any much more!)
Reishi is the type to herb that is taken over time and slowly builds up in the system. The two herbs mentioned above are herbs taken for acute illness. You feel a sore throat coming on, you take echinacea, you came down with the flu, you take olive leaf. Reishi is not that kind of herb. Ideally, it is taken months before to modulate the immune system…hence the term “immunomodulator.” If you are not currently sick, this would be the time to implement Reishi on a daily basis.

Sage (Salvia spp., Salvia off., Salvia apiana)
(antimicrobial, analgesic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant)
Drink a strong decoction of sage tea to promote sweating, a crucial way to detox pathogens from the body. Sage can be an effective gargle for sore throats and can be used when there is an infection in the sinuses. When the blood is hot, sage can help cool, cleanse and purify the blood. Indications - inflamed throat, fever that won’t break, bacterial infection, strep throat, cough, skin rashes.

Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)
(antiseptic, antiinflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial)
An herb that is a powerful healer to the mucosa membranes. Used when there is an infection in the sinuses or lungs. Yerba Mansa can assist in riding waste accumulated in the cells and tissues, also has the power to stimulate the immune cells in the tissues, while increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to reinforce membranes. I can’t say enough about this herb! Many herbalist even compare this herb with goldenseal. Use with usnea to create a broad spectrum antibitoic alternative. Indications - sore throat, inflamed sinuses, chest congestion, lung ailments, colds and flu.

+Eat warm, cooked, and soft foods. These types of foods can give the digestive system a bit of a break. The food going into the body is already heated, and is easier to break down because of the tenderness that cooking offers.

+Add vitamin C rich foods to the diets like citrus and hibiscus.

+Soups, stews, and broths are your friend!

+Use warming spices in tea or added to food like ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, garlic and pepper

+Incorporated more healthy high fats into the diet. This can help insulate and moisten the body from the inside out! This can include Ghee, avocados, quality oils like coconut oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and evening primrose oil. During these months, the season shift can often times leave people feeling dry, rough and cracked. Ingesting oils can be an efficient way to combat the dryness the fall season has to offer.

+Rest and Sleep! I cannot stress enough about sleep! This is the most crucial time for our bodies to detox and rejuvenate!

+Hydrate! Drink some water, then drink some more, and when you feel like it is enough…drink some more. Flush out this toxins!

Golden Milk
1.5C coconut milk (or milk of your choosing)
1/2tsp turmeric
1/4tsp ashwagandha
1/4tsp cinnamon
1/4tsp cardamom
a pinch of black pepper
honey to taste

1. Warm up milk in a sauce pan
2. Add turmeric and the pinch of black pepper
3. Add the ashwagandha, cinnamon and cardamom
4. Stir and pour, add honey

Butternut Squash Soup
1 medium buttercup squash
1 onion
1C coconut milk
1TBS ghee
1TBS coconut oil
1C stock of your choosing
1/2tsp garlic grated
1/4tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut top and bottom off squash, cut in half, take the seeds out and skin
2. Chop squash into small cubes and dice onion
3. In a large pot, add ghee and coconut oil, melt then add onion
4.  Sauté for about 3 minutes or so, then add squash
5. Sauté for another 5-7 minutes
6. Add coconut milk, stock and spices and let simmer for 20-30 minutes
7. Use a hand blender or regular blender to puree until smooth

*This article is for informational purposes only. This is not written to treat or diagnose illness.